Property Barter (Exchange) Form Step 1 of 3 33% Your InformationPlease provide your contact information. This will help us communicate with you about your property exchange request.Full Name(Required) First Last This should match your official documentsPhone Number(Required)Please provide a valid phone number for contact purposesEmail Address(Required) Optional, but recommended for detailed communicationCountry of Residence(Required)Select your countryNorth CyprusTurkeyIranRussiaThis helps us understand your location preferencesUpload a Valid IDAccepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 5 MB.Upload a scanned copy or photo of your valid ID (passport, driver’s license, or national ID). Maximum file size: 5 MB Your Property DetailsTell us more about the property you are offering for exchangeProperty Type(Required)Select the property typeApartmentVillaLandCommercialChoose the category that best describes your propertyApartment Floor(Required)Please enter a number from 0 to 40.Specify the floor number of your apartmentProperty Country(Required)Select your property countryNorth CyprusTurkeyRussiaIranMention your Property countryProperty Location(Required)City, region, or specific locationProperty Status(Required)Select the property statusUnder ConstructionReady to moveChoose the current status of your propertySize (in square meters)(Required)Provide the total area in square metersNumber of Bedrooms(Required)Enter the total number of rooms012345 & moreInclude all bedroomsNumber of Bathrooms(Required)Enter the total number of bathrooms1234 & moreEstimated Value(Required)Provide a rough estimate for evaluationUpload Photos Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 50. Include photos and any floorplan. Maximum file number: 50, Maximum file size: 4 MBUpload Property Documents Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 4 MB, Max. files: 50. Upload the ownership documents or contracts related to the property you are offering. Maximum file size: 4 MBAdditional DetailsHighlight what makes your property special Desired Property DetailsTell us about the property you are looking for in exchangeDesired Property Type(Required) Apartment Villa Commercial Land Select AllSpecify the type of property you are seekingPreferred Countries(Required) North Cyprus Turkey Iran Russia Select AllSelect your preferred countriesDesired SizeProvide the approximate area you are looking forMin Size (in square meters)Max Size (in square meters)Budget RangeProvide a general range for the value of the propertyMin Budget(Required)Max Budget(Required)Additional PreferencesDescribe any special conditions or features you are seekingTerms and Conditions(Required) I agree to the terms and conditions By checking this box, you confirm that the information provided is accurate and you agree to our terms. Δ