Studying in North Cyprus: Your Path to a Bright Future

North Cyprus is an excellent choice for students looking to study abroad. What’s great is that you don’t need to be a language expert to get started. As long as you can pass a simple English language test, you’re good to go. Plus, the cost of studying and living here is super affordable, especially when compared to European and American countries. But there’s more to it than just being easy on the wallet.

Your Path to International Education

North Cyprus opens up a fantastic opportunity for students. After a few semesters of study at a Cypriot university, you can take part in a student exchange program. This means you could continue your education at a university in Europe or the USA. It’s like a stepping stone to explore the world and get a top-notch education.

Top-Notch Universities

North Cyprus is known for its internationally ranked universities. These institutions are highly respected in the academic world. So, when you graduate from one of these schools, you’re setting yourself up for a bright future.

Safety First

When it comes to your safety, North Cyprus has you covered. It’s considered one of the safest countries for foreign students. This place offers a secure environment, free from political tensions. You can focus on your studies without worrying about your safety.


Another big advantage of studying in North Cyprus is that your family can join you for as long as you want. This is in line with the country’s rules. It’s a great way to keep your loved ones close while you pursue your education.

In the following, we will examine the prestigious universities of North Cyprus.

Near East University, 40 Years in your education​

The Near East University, was founded in 1988 in Nicosia, North Cyprus. The university has students from 100 different countries. The Near East University, with its unique structural and content quality, as well as foreign and prominent professors, has become increasingly important in many other countries; therefore, it is closely linked to all European universities, and  is already a full member of the European University Association (EUA), International Association of Universities (IAU) within the body of UNESCO, International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), Joint Commission International (JCI), the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), 118 other national and international institutions and foundations, and moreover, many more membership applications related to various disciplines are already in progress.

The NEU is equipped with a 500-bed hospital with an experienced team, which is next to the faculties of medicine and dentistry. This provides another ground for practical courses to students in these disciplines. It is safe to say that the NEU Hospital is one of the most equipped hospitals in the district, which annually accepts a large number of foreign visitors. It is worth mentioning that the university is cooperating with the universities of Ankara and Hacettepe, and this provides the opportunity to annually transfer foreign students to these universities.

Language & English Proficiency test

The language of instruction at the university is English. However, the condition for admitting a student is not to have a TOEFL or IELTS degree. Applicants for the bachelor’s degree, if they have a TOEFL degree with a score of 530 or an academic IELTS with a score of 6, will start their studies in the desired faculty. Undergraduate students without a degree take a language proficiency test after receiving admission and enrollment at the university.

In Summary

Studying in North Cyprus is a fantastic opportunity. It’s budget-friendly, it opens doors to international education, and it’s a safe and welcoming place for you and your family. So, if you’re looking for a place to build your future, North Cyprus might just be the perfect starting point.

Cihanara is the official representative of the universities of North Cyprus and receiving admission along with scholarships is free in all courses.


For more information regarding universities, scholarships, admissions, and hostel accommodations, please click the link below.

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