الدراسة في شمال قبرص

emu university-jihanara

جامعة شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط، الاختيار الأول للطلاب الدوليين

جامعة شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​(EMU)، التي تأسست عام 1979، هي أول جامعة في شمال قبرص وتحظى بتقدير كبير لجودة تعليمها وانتشارها الدولي. على مر السنين، اكتسبت جامعة شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​سمعة قوية للتميز الأكاديمي...

Northern Cyprus offers a diverse range of schools, including:

Public Schools: These schools are free to attend for all residents of Northern Cyprus and follow the Turkish National Education Curriculum.

Private Schools: Private schools offer a variety of curricula, including the Turkish National Education Curriculum, the British National Curriculum, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. These schools typically charge tuition fees.

International Schools: International schools cater to an international student body and offer a variety of curricula, including the British National Curriculum, the American curriculum, and the IB program. These schools typically charge higher tuition fees than private schools.

المدارس في شمال قبرص: دليل شامل للمغتربين

أصبحت قبرص الشمالية، بساحلها الخلاب على البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​وتاريخها الغني وثقافتها الترحيبية، وجهة شعبية متزايدة للمغتربين الباحثين عن نمط حياة جديد. سواء كنت تفكر في الانتقال للعمل أو التقاعد أو مجرد تغيير المشهد،...

Banking for Students in North Cyprus

Banking for Students in North Cyprus

Upon enrollment at a university in Northern Cyprus, all students can apply for a Student Certificate. With this certificate, they can open a bank account at one of the local banks by providing a copy of the certificate along with their dormitory or house rental certificate, residence permit certificate, and the amount of money they wish to deposit. The most common bank for students to open an account with...

Cost of Living in North Cyprus for Students

Accommodation Options in North Cyprus The cost of living in North Cyprus can vary depending on each student's lifestyle. For those considering living in a dormitory, the cost ranges from $2500 to $6,000 for ten months (two semesters). This cost includes utilities, internet, and the room. It is important to choose the accommodation carefully and read the dormitory contract thoroughly to be aware of all the...

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